Distorted Thinking

Have you ever gotten out of bed completely down because you had to face something?  Maybe you knew that you were going to have an uncomfortable conversation with your boss or coworker.  Maybe your spouse was in a horrible mood and was taking it out on you.  Maybe it was something physical, like lower back pain.

And, it just brought you completely down.  When that happens with me, it’s almost always because of distorted thinking.  There are many forms of distorted thinking.

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The distorted thinking patterns that get me, when I let them, are filtering and polarized or black and white thinking. Filtering is seeing something, almost always, through a negative filter and filtering out any positives.

Black and white thinking, in my case, is that if something isn’t perfect then everything is BAD.

Example: My back is killing me today.  Instead of remembering that I am in superb shape,  with great muscular definition, fantastic cardio respiratory fitness, wonderful muscle mass and great strength and power, I focus on nerve pain in my sacrum.

Instead of focussing on the fact that I had no back pain for a month and am physiologically 20 years younger than my calendar age, I focus on something temporary and capricious-back pain.

Yes, admittedly, I sometimes do things that make my back hurt.  I will forget that I have a tendency toward nerve pain in my lower back, even though I have tremendous core fitness.  I will sit too long without changing positions, or get lazy about my posture or go for some kind of fitness record, and I will pay the price.  This is when back pain is a lesson in watchfulness and listening to my body.  And, sometimes, for no apparent reason, my back will just hurt.

Considering all the damage that has happened to my body and some congenital defects in my skeletal system, my fitness, after twenty years of disciplined effort, is still almost miraculous.

So a little thing like sciatic pain, is a small thing.  A painful small thing that makes me pissy. And, a small thing that, if I let it, can put a dark cloud on any day, no matter how sunny.

What kinds of little things are you letting ruin your wonderful life because things aren’t “perfect” or you’ve convinced yourself that some temporary thing is permanent? Have that painful conversation with your boss.  Once it’s over it’s over.  Know that your spouses mood will improve and you don’t have to own it. Just be there for them, just like they are for you when you have lower back pain.

Action Items/Activity Triggers 

1. Look up Distorted Thinking

2. When you are down, go down the list and see if you are letting one or two of these distorted thinking patterns ruin an otherwise wonderful life

3. Apologize to your co-workers and loved ones for having a few pissy days

4.  Forgive yourself.  After all, you can’t be perfect. That’s distorted thinking.

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Target Heart Rate Concept Applied to your Job

There is a concept in fitness called the target hear rate training zone.  There are easy ways to calculate this and slightly more complex.  The old idea is that you worked in a certain fat burning zone at a steady pace.  Newer information says that, if you want to increase your metabolism for hours after your workout,  exert more energy in a shorter time, and improve your cardio-respiratory fitness, you should do something called HIIT.  This stands for High Intensity Interval Training.

This means that instead of running or walking at a nice steady pace for a half hour, you would warm up for ten minutes and then alternate “very hard” for a minute and  then “easy” in one minute to three minute increments for a total of fifteen minutes and then do a ten minute cool down.

Now, lets take these same concepts and apply them to accomplishing something, work or chores, or writing.  The first step in either training system needs to be finding out what your resting heart rate is and what your maximum heart rate is.  You then calculate a percentage of that for your training zone.

What about work?  We know what our resting work rate is.  That’s zero.  We are sitting on the couch doing nothing.  How many of us know what our maximum work rate is?  How many of us have ever worked as hard as we can for a measured period of time, just to see what it’s like?

I would like all of you to try the following.  Pick a task, a mental task, plan it carefully and then work as hard as you possibly can at it for an hour.  Then stop and reflect and take notes.  You have now discovered your maximum work rate over an hour. You know what you are capable of.  You know what it feels like.  Could you keep this up for a full day?  Very probably not, at least not until you have trained up to that level.  Wasn’t it amazing how much you accomplished?

You could work at this pace for  half hour and back off and work at it for a half hour and back off and so on.  This is the way most of us work anyway, isn’t it?  The only thing is most of us don’t really know what our maximum output is because we have never pushed it.

Another way to work is to figure out what your max is, and work at a doable percentage of that for a full day.  Or a half day, because we all need a nap now and then.  If, in physical exercise, going at a higher pace in intervals burns more energy, does the same thing apply with mental energy?  Probably.  So instead  of sprint rest, sprint rest, try “slow and steady wins the race.”  Boy that sure sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Action Items/Activity Triggers 

1.  Plan some piece of your work very carefully.

2. Work at it as hard as  you can for two hours.

3. Measure how much you accomplished.

4.  Understand that you no know your maximum work rate.

5. Work at a a chosen percent of this on your projects.

6.  Accomplish much more!

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Different Worlds

On my phone, I have an app that shows me the weather in twenty different cities.  I have the weather for where I live in Sacramento as well as weather in Bournemouth, England and Los Gatos, California and Florence, Italy.  I have weather for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Irkutsk, Russia, and Hong Kong,  Beijing and Shanghai, China.   I have weather for Paris and Nice in France and Quito in Ecuador.  I have weather for Denver, Colorado, Fargo, North Dakota and New York, New York.


Light Morning Mist on the American River in Sacramento

Light Morning Mist on the American River in Sacramento

Why?  A few of the reasons are straightforward and obvious.  My daughter lives near Los Gatos, California.  My in-laws live in Bournemouth, England.  I have done business in Seattle, another place I have on my weather app as well as New York and Fargo.  I have thought about moving to Denver, fewer socialists than here in the land of entitlement-Sacramento, but very cold at night!  I lived in Northern Italy and the weather in Florence mimics where I used to live.  And, I didn’t see nearly enough of Florence and want to go back.

Irkutsk is close to Lake Baikal, one of the wonders of the world, and a place I want to go.  Paris has the Louvre, which I have never seen.  Some of these places on my list are where I have been and where I want to go, and some are where people near and dear to me live.  And, some of these places are there to remind me that what I can feel with the tip of my nose on a cold morning is not what others are feeling at exactly the same time.


There are mornings when I am walking the dog’s by the American River in Sacramento at six or seven in the morning and I think, “Darn! It’s cold!”  Then I look on my phone and see that it’s 11 below zero in Irkutsk and that’s at 11:00 PM the next day!  Imagine how cold it would be at six in the morning there?  And, on January 9, 2013, today, sunrise was around 7:23 AM.  At Lake Baikal, it was 10:06 AM!

Sometimes I will be in traffic in Sacramento and think “Man this is a pain!” Then I will think about what traffic must be like in Shanghai, China where there are 23 million people!  That is about fifteen times the population of the greater Sacramento area.

Why am I telling you this?  I am saying these things as a reminder to you, but mostly me, that the world is a big place and that my problems are usually very small.  I write to remind me that if I am too cold, I can travel to a warmer place.  If I want to completely change my world, I can simply go somewhere else.  And, I try to think about what life is like for other people in other places at exactly the same time that I am running by the river or going to sleep at night or having lunch.

The world is an amazing place full of variety and it’s all happening right now.  Now, throw in history and how fast we are learning and creating knowledge.  How can you ever be bored? There is so much to think about, so much to learn and so much to see, how can you ever really feel discontent?

So, the next time you think you are cold, think about Irkustk, Russia.  The next time you think-”Too many people!”-think about Shanghai.  The next time you think,“Too many people with an entitlement mentality!” think about Denver.

Things are different in other places and for other people.   And, on their best day, many of these people would trade their lot for yours in a microsecond.

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Hang in there. Things change

We get so caught up in where we are, especially if we label it a bad place, that we forget that where we are won’t last forever.  If you just hang in there, things will change.  Look at the pictures below.

A view of the American River in July of 2012 from a bluff.

A view of the American River in July of 2012 from a bluff.


A view of the American River in winter of 2012 just before sunrise from a bluff. A view of the American River in winter of 2012 just before sunrise from a bluff.

A view of the American River in winter of 2012 just before sunrise from a bluff. 


Some of you live in a world where the cold of winter is oppressive.  Even the mild winters we get here in Sacramento might get you down.  You might get slightly depressed and long for the heat of the sun on your face and dream of being warm all the way down to your bones.

If it’s winter, you can wait, knowing that the heat of summer will arrive.

Some of you live in a world where the heat of summer melts your brain.  The hundred degree days, the UV cooking your skin and your car like an oven until the air conditioning  kicks in, could just beat you down.

If it’s summer, you can wait, knowing the slower pace of a resting winter world is on its way.

Sometimes we get so stuck in the pain of the here and now,  we forget that things will change.  And, sometimes, we forget that we can change our routine a little and get some of that feeling we want right now.  Suppose you love the cold winter light and world while it rests and rebuilds in winter like I do.   You could get up very early on a summer day, while it is still cool, and run in minimal clothing, feeling goose bumps on your skin.  It won’t be the same as the chill of winter.  It will be a change from the noon day sun.

Suppose you love the heat of summer and the warmth of the summer sun on your face?You could find that place in your home where the sun shines through a window and sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes and feel the warmth on the your face and imagine summer.

Or, you could simply change your attitude.  Embrace the seasons of the world and your life.  You could understand that sometimes you are in winter, where you don’t get much growth and you need to rebuild and rest.  Rest is doing something.  It’s resting.  All living things need rest.

Or, if that heat of summer is too much, rearrange your day like much of the world.  Get up super early and work and play and nap in the middle of the day and then work more when it is cooler.  Don’t say you can’t.  Of course you can’t every day, all day, but you certainly could on the days you control.  Or bet yet, revel in the heat, enjoy your mastery over it with air conditioning and shade.

Wherever you are, remember that it won’t last.  And, remember one other thing.  Please don’t live your days in “if only” land.  If only it was summer, if only it was winter, if only I was taller, thinner, richer, prettier, smarter.  If only something else.  If only my aunt had wheels she be a tea cart.

Change your approach and change your attitude and it really doesn’t matter what happens to you.  If you want to “if only” and feel better about your fate, ask yourself other questions.  If only I was born in Somalia, I would probably have died in infancy.  If only I lived in the middle ages that disagreement I had about religion would have resulted in my death.

Even those of us that are having a very tough time today, now, can usually hunker down and do something about it. And, we are so much better off even on the worst of our days than 90% of the world, why in the heck are we complaining?


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Enjoy the Mist: Don’t Wait for Perfect Clarity to Enjoy and Succeed in Life

Light Morning Mist on the American River in Sacramento

Light Morning Mist on the American River in Sacramento

Question: Is the picture above made more or less beautiful or attractive because of the mist?  Most of you would probably say that the mist, or lack of clarity in the picture, makes it more attractive.  So, why do we think that life can only be joyful and effective when we have perfect clarity?  Why do we always have to see through the mist or wait for it to clear to act effectively?

People think they have to have a crystal clear  vision of the world to act.  Sometimes, most times, you won’t  get clarity and you still must act.

Guy Kawasaki said,

No one ever got rich planning for gold.

This is one of my favorite quotes.  I am not saying that planning is a bad thing.  Another of my favorite quotes is by Spike Lee,

I ain’t Martin Luther King.  I don’t need a dream. I’ve got a plan

Being planful and thoughtful, looking for information before you act, is a very good thing.  And, if you wait until you have perfect clarity, perfect information, or the perfect time, you are not a writer, or a speaker, or a boss, or a parent.   You are a waiter.  If you can make a little adjustment in your thinking, you will be able to act effectively despite the mist.  Maybe you can learn to act decisively because of the mist.  Sometimes the mist is beautiful like it was when I took the picture you see above.

The mist has a way of softening the harsh details of life.   If you are going to try something new and different, not being able to see every single barrier will make it easier to act, not harder.

If you have don’t have perfect clarity, you can be pleasantly surprised by new opportunities and new things.  Every plan you make will get changed along the way.  The simple, little adjustment I want you to make is to understand that you will have to make many adjustments in your life.  Your plans will never survive reality intact.

In short, enjoy the mist, when it burns off through effort or timing or luck, you will be well on your way to your goal.  Remember you can always change your plans along the way.

Enjoy the mist.


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Are you looking at reality or its reflection through someone else’s filter?

Korzybski said “The map is not the territory..”  Which was famously quoted by Robert De Niro in Ronin.  The picture of the American River in Sacramento California you see below is not the river.  It is a picture of the American River.




As pretty as this picture is, does it do the river justice?  You can make some observations about the picture of the river. If I hadn’t labeled the picture with a location and time, perhaps you would have guessed an estuary somewhere else.

Maybe you would think this spot on the American River was far from civilization, and not 1.62 miles from one of the busiest commute arteries in the greater Sacramento area.  You might not even know it was in the US, much less in California.

In this case the label made the picture represent something in your mind.  The label and the picture are, in essence, a map, and the map is not the territory.

If you are familiar with the area, you could figure out the time of day and the time of year and the temperature and many other things from this picture.

So this is a picture of a reflection of a river.  What kind of pictures of other reflections are  you looking at in your life?  Words aren’t thoughts.  Many of us read books or articles by others and base our thoughts on their words.  We see the reflection of the world filtered through their brain and their words.

Who paints these pictures for you?  Is the reflection you see through the eyes of others more clear and bright because of who painted the picture or dim and murky because of the artist or writer?  I am not telling you to pay more attention to one author or painter or musician or sculptor and less to another. I am simply asking you to think about how a reflection of the world can influence you.  You base your opinions and beliefs and actions on reflections all the time.  The first step is to realize that everything, other than what you experience and observe yourself, is a reflection seen through someone else’s eyes.  This reflection is then filtered and presented to you.

How accurate is the reflection?


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Timing-Stuck? Try Tackling Your Problem at a Different Time

I took the picture below while on a run by the American River in Sacramento right before sunrise on August 18, 2012-I think.  I am certain about the location and the time, but not the date.  The time is what I want to talk about.  The picture shows a comfortable world.  Looking it it, you would think it was cool, maybe even cold.  And, if I were to have taken the picture at about two in the afternoon, it would have been of a different world.

A picture of American River in Sacramento taken during civil twilight, just before dawn showing light clouds reflecting on the river.


I love running before sunrise along my river.  Yes, I consider it my river.  At that time of day it almost is-my river.  I love mornings because they are like a present with the wrapping still on.  Mornings are full of promise and hope and the day stretches out in front of you with so many possibilities.  Mornings are quiet, and I like quiet.

When I took the picture before sunrise, it was barely warm enough to run without a shirt on.  The UV reading was zero.  On my run that morning I think I saw one other person.  The temperature was in the high fifties.  At two in the afternoon the temperature would have been in the mid-nineties and the UV reading would have been around 9.  At a UV reading of 9 any sane human would be wearing sunscreen and a hat.  If I were to have run at that time, it would have been a much harder run, probably more of a torture chamber than the cool blessing of the run I started a little before six.

The point is that life is like that.  Timing plays a huge part in our lives.  Complete your taxes by August 15th and you don’t face a penalty.  Get to the grocery store before the early evening rush and you breeze through the line.  Be the first person to the market with a new idea and you can make a fortune.

Time works the other way as well.  You can be first to adopt new technology and be on the bleeding edge, not the cutting edge.  You can insist on watching that new movie on opening day and face crowds you wouldn’t face even a week later.

Here is my question.  Is there something in your life that’s a struggle based on your timing that would be easier, more efficient, at another time?  Is there something you are trying to accomplish in your life that is impossible now, but might be possible at another time?  Is there a deadline you could hit by simply rearranging some things that would make your life better?

Sometimes a big problem turns into a little problem when you sneak up on it before it is awake.  And, sometimes, a big problem can be solved by approaching it after it has fallen asleep.

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A Peaceful Interlude on the American River Video

Breaks from work are necessary.  One of the best ways to clear your head and get centered is to take a break in nature.  I am fortunate enough to live right next to the American River in Sacramento, California.  The video you can see below was taken less than a quarter of a mile from my home.

This video below is my gift to you.  You can watch it any time you want.  You could listen to rippling water or watch the reflection of the foliage on the island on to the water.

Or, you could do both.  Feel free to copy this video for your own personal use.

American River Short Video Interlude with the Sound of Rippling Water

I am lucky to live so close to nature.  Many of you are closer to nature than you realize.   Most office blocks have an outdoor area.  Many hospitals have an atrium.   Sometimes you can simply leave your office and walk a block or two and find a park.  Or, you could walk outside and simply watch the life in landscaping around your building.

What about on the way to work?  Is it possible to leave a few minutes early for work and find a park to walk in or a nature area or garden?

What about on the way home?  Can you arrange to stop and walk by a pond or lake or creek or river.

Even if you can’t find a way to physically be in nature, you could visit via your computer while at work.  Or use your smartphone.   There a webcams all over the world transmitting wonders.

I just did a search and found a Yosemite falls webcam.  It took me three minutes to find the webcam .   The falls are dry now.  They won’t be dry all the time.

Sometimes just the sound of crashing surf or birds singing is enough to help you get out of your head.  In a future blog I will post a recording of a Mockingbird going through its repertoire.








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Consistent, Tiny Efforts Produce Results: Cutting Live Oak With a Pen Knife

This picture is a piece cut from a weathered, fallen Live Oak with a pocket knife. The piece of wood sits on a table next to a wrist watch to show scale.

Why is this picture here?  I do many things in my life that need long, consistent effort.  Sometimes these efforts are small.  If they don’t happen, then some important things in life don’t happen.  Like brushing your teeth.  Two minutes.  How would your life be if you didn’t spend that two minutes?  Studies now show that brushing your teeth twice a day can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.  That’s two minutes twice.  How in the heck can that be true?

Back to the piece of wood.  Some of the things I do in my life require long, and sometimes seemingly pointless, effort.  I do many of these things almost as an act of faith.  I don’t know when they will bring me results.  Sometimes they don’t bring me the result I want.  Something always comes of effort.

This piece of wood is an example of this process.  As a lesson to myself I starting cutting this piece of wood with a pen knife while on my walks and runs by the American River in Sacramento, California.  I made exactly two cuts with a pen knife or folding knife on each side of the piece of wood each time I passed on my loop: no more and no less.  I used medium pressure.  Sometimes the knife was very sharp, other times simply not dull.

I didn’t know how long it would take to cut through this weathered, tough, old piece of live oak.  I am surprised that even the lightening that hit part of this tree and brought it down had any effect on it.  And, as tough as it was when it was alive, it became even stronger as it was cured by wind and sun and heat and cold.   It is no wonder that Live Oak used in ship hulls in the early 1800’s was superior technology.

I make marketing calls to future customers.  I work my abs four or five days a week. I send cover letters to agents for my novels.  I post articles on the web.  I read a book every two to three weeks to give my brain new information and to keep it limber.  This is the important part.  You never know when these small, consistent efforts are going to pay off.

I didn’t know if it would take four months, or six months or a year to cut through this weathered piece of fallen live oak.  As it turns out, it took eight months, give or take.  It was an unexpected result.  It didn’t look anywhere near ready to fall.  When I looked at it and judged my progress, I thought that it would be another few months.  It took four cuts a day, five or six days a week for eight months to cut a piece of wood with a pen knife.  That’s about 800 cuts.  That’s a lot of cuts.

Sure, I could have used an ax or a saw or stood there one day cutting until my hands blistered with effort and cut it through in a part of a day, but life isn’t like that.  A result filled life is a series of small cuts, applied over time in a disciplined manner.  And, sometimes, many times, you never know when it’s going to pay off.  Instead of not doing the small things over and over that add up, keep doing them.  Keep making the marketing calls, keep writing, keep working out, keep treating everyone with dignity and respect,  keep listening, keep trying new methods and tools. One day you will cut through.

Readers: I would love to hear of some of the small, consistent efforts you make and how they pay off.


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sometimes you need to dry your wings

I was running by the American River in Sacramento a few mornings ago.  I was running a little later than I usually do.  I had taken the dogs for a walk earlier walk while it was cooler.  They are loving the air-conditioner kind of dogs.

On the way out I saw geese and ducks and ground squirrels and enjoyed the mirror reflection of the trees on the water.  Running from bright sunlight to dappled shade and back to bright sunlight made a pleasant change.

On the way back I saw a cormorant drying its wings.  Cormorants feed by diving for fish.  After they dive in the water and swim around and catch fish they try to find a sunny spot to dry their wings so they can start the whole process again.

Below you will see a picture of the cormorant drying it’s wings.

A cormorant drying its wings along the American River after fishing on the morning of June 20,2012
Cormorants were used  by Japanese fisherman for years.  The fisherman would put a ring or snare around the cormorant’s neck so it couldn’t swallow the bigger fish.  The fisherman would take the big fish out of the cormorant’s throat when it came back to the boat. This process would happen over and over.

The fisherman would reward the cormorant by giving it bigger fish when the fisherman had enough of a catch.

Here are my two questions.  The first is how many of us forget to dry our wings?  That’s not the same thing as sharpening the saw.  Many of us forget that we have to do maintenance on ourselves.  You have a house and it occasionally needs paint.  If you don’t paint the exterior of the house every once in a while you get dry rot, weather damage, sun damage and the rest.

Why do we forget that we need to do upkeep on ourselves?  I lift weights as well as run.  There is a saying.  If you want to get big you have to lift big, eat big, sleep big and rest big.  If you want to get a big life you have to to the same.  Live big, sleep big and rest big.  Eat big is a relative thing.  Eating big on nutrients and fiber and protein, with enough calories to sustain you is big enough.

How many of your rest big on a regular basis?  How many of you dry your wings?  Maybe it’s time to dry your wings so you can dive into life and swim again.

My last question for the day is this.  How many of you are wearing a ring around your neck keeping you from enjoying the fruit of your labor, and why did you put it there and when are you going to take it off?




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