Enjoy the Mist: Don’t Wait for Perfect Clarity to Enjoy and Succeed in Life

Light Morning Mist on the American River in Sacramento

Light Morning Mist on the American River in Sacramento

Question: Is the picture above made more or less beautiful or attractive because of the mist?  Most of you would probably say that the mist, or lack of clarity in the picture, makes it more attractive.  So, why do we think that life can only be joyful and effective when we have perfect clarity?  Why do we always have to see through the mist or wait for it to clear to act effectively?

People think they have to have a crystal clear  vision of the world to act.  Sometimes, most times, you won’t  get clarity and you still must act.

Guy Kawasaki said,

No one ever got rich planning for gold.

This is one of my favorite quotes.  I am not saying that planning is a bad thing.  Another of my favorite quotes is by Spike Lee,

I ain’t Martin Luther King.  I don’t need a dream. I’ve got a plan

Being planful and thoughtful, looking for information before you act, is a very good thing.  And, if you wait until you have perfect clarity, perfect information, or the perfect time, you are not a writer, or a speaker, or a boss, or a parent.   You are a waiter.  If you can make a little adjustment in your thinking, you will be able to act effectively despite the mist.  Maybe you can learn to act decisively because of the mist.  Sometimes the mist is beautiful like it was when I took the picture you see above.

The mist has a way of softening the harsh details of life.   If you are going to try something new and different, not being able to see every single barrier will make it easier to act, not harder.

If you have don’t have perfect clarity, you can be pleasantly surprised by new opportunities and new things.  Every plan you make will get changed along the way.  The simple, little adjustment I want you to make is to understand that you will have to make many adjustments in your life.  Your plans will never survive reality intact.

In short, enjoy the mist, when it burns off through effort or timing or luck, you will be well on your way to your goal.  Remember you can always change your plans along the way.

Enjoy the mist.


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