ReKill, A New Thriller By John Cameron, Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Warning: This book contains rough language and violent scenes.  The rough language is not gratuitous, nor are the violent scenes.  ReKill is the second book in the series that started with  ReWire

 Buy John Cameron’s Newest Thriller ReKill Now


Heather knew her dad asked Jack and Lee to come visit. She didn’t know what to make of Jack. She knew he was smart in that common sense way her dad was smart. He was way good looking but he didn’t act like he knew it. He always seemed a little sad. Her dad told her if she was ever in any kind of danger to get to him as fast as she could. Why would her dad say that? She knew he must be pretty cool or else how could he be with someone as cool as Lee? Lee was about the smartest, coolest woman she knew. She knew Lee was rich, ‘cause dad let it slip that her family owned shipping lines and banks and such. She and Dad were rich too even though her dad didn’t let it show much. He said he wanted her to have a normal life.

Darn it. She missed the fingering on the chord again. She wanted to be a great guitarist. There weren’t that many famous girl guitarists. Orianthi, Nancy Wilson. Bonnie Raitt, Lori Linstruth, Marnie Stern, Joan Jett and maybe ten more and that was it. She knew there were great girl guitarists who weren’t famous. She didn’t really need to be famous. She just wanted to be the best guitar-playing, great surgeon in the world. What was wrong with that?

She turned the amp down a touch and worked her version of Heart Shaped Box again. Why did so many musicians think they had to be crazy? Heather told her dad she wanted to be the best guitar-playing surgeon in the world. He asked,

“Do you have a plan to accomplish that? Both things are going to take a lot of time.”

She didn’t really have a plan. She had a dream. Then her dad gave her a book, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Heather realized right away what Dad was trying to tell her. To be world class at anything took ten thousand hours. If she wanted to be world class at two things she might need twenty thousand hours. That was a lot of hours. Then he gave her another book called the Sports Gene. She understood. Her dad wanted her to have balanced information and make up her mind. She understood she might have native talent. Maybe she’d never be a great guitarist or a great surgeon. Maybe with the right genes and effort she could be great at both.

It was a hard to play with a bruised hand. She was lucky she hadn’t broken it. Dad would be pissed even though she was sure he would agree with what she did. Amber was a bitch. She had been a bitch when they were acquaintances. She had been a bitch when they were friends and she was even more of a bitch now they were enemies.

Amber called her dad a gimp. Said he didn’t care about the town. Said he was selfish and only thought of himself. She knew her dad was one of the most caring men she ever met. So Heather hit the bitch. Knocked her down. She smiled and went over the chords again and again.

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