Quotes, Quips & Quick Tips for January 15, 2015



Peter McWilliams

Be willing to be uncomfortable.  Get comfortable being uncomfortable.  It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.  

Winston Churchill

Broadly speaking, short words are the best and the old words best of all. 

Teddy Roosevelt 

Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care 

Quick Tip on Effectiveness 

Every once in a while, examine things you do often as if you have never done them before.  Look at those things that you constantly do and ask yourself:

  1. If I had to explain why I do this in this way, justifying that it is the best possible way to do this, could I make a strong argument?
  2. Even if this is the best way to do this thing I am doing, is this thing a chore or a treat?
  3. If this thing that I am doing is a chore, what would happen if I just stopped doing it?
  4. If the answer is nothing, or not much, then stop doing this hated thing.
  5. If this thing must be done, is there someone else who can do this thing better than I, more quickly than I, with more enjoyment that I, or more cheaply than I?
  6. Is there someone who might love doing this thing who is doing something they hate and I love?  Could we trade?

Quip of the day 

Joh Cameron says, when someone is trying to be hurtful:

If I had feelings, they would be hurt.  

Actually I do have feelings. I am a softy and those feelings are maybe a molecule deep below the surface.  The reason my feelings are so hard for others to hurt is because my feelings are mine.  Nobody can you make you mad.  You make yourself mad because you were frustrated, or annoyed, or impatient and you didn’t deal with that feeling.  You let something, or made something turn into anger.

So, maybe your quip from John Cameron should be:

If I thought enough of you to let you affect my feelings, they might be hurt

Which is kind of mean spirited, but then again some people need to verbally slapped.  A little kinder version would be the one people use in the south.

Bless your heart 

More soon.  Thanks for reading.

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