Climate Change: The McMartin Preschool Case of Science

What does the McMartin Preschool Case have in common with climate change?  The McMartin Preschool case was  most expensive criminal trial in US history, lasting seven years at a cost of $15 million.  This trial happened during a period of hysteria about satanic cults and human sacrifice. The hysteria dragged on for years.  Eventually, people who worked at the family owned McMartin Preschool were put on trial for molesting children.

When the truth was finally uncovered, once the hysteria had died down, it turned out that an unscrupulous or, at best incompetent, psychologist, led a bunch of preschool kids to create fantasies.  These fantasies destroyed lives and cost the state of California  fifteen million dollars.  In the end, six people with skin in the game, working to further their own devices, fabricated, falsified and cherry picked. In the end, no one was convicted of anything.

Now, let’s look at Climate Change.  According to the loudest voices, the world, as we know it, is going to end soon.  Seas will rise, temperatures will become unbearable, crops will fail and weather will become more extreme and unpredictable.   Similar change has happened  in the past, just as Ice Ages have happened in the past.  The man-made climate change folks say that the earth is warming and weather is becoming more extreme right now-and its single biggest cause is humans burning fossil fuels.

I have questions, the same type of questions  folks should have asked long before the McMartin Preschool Case ever went to trial. The first big question: Is climate changing?  Answer, of course.  Climate changes all the time.  Second big question: Is the earth getting warmer or cooler? The answer is that the earth warms and cools.  It has for a long time. Third big question?  Are men burning fossil fuels causing any of it?  Answer-not according to the evidence.  The earth’s temperature remained constant for the last sixteen years.  Seas haven’t risen.  Polar caps melt and then reform.  The antarctic ice sheet is the thickest it’s been in lots of years in many places, and yes, it is thinner in a few others.  Yet CO2, which has certainly led to increases in agricultural production, is still increasing in the atmosphere.

Because of this lack of warming, the believers changed the rhetoric.  Because there is such a long pause in an increase in temperatures, the big evil is now called ‘climate change.’ This is a  much better term for the believers to use, because any weather event could be called a result of  ‘climate change.’

What I am most worried about is that the facts aren’t being debated, just like they weren’t debated before the McMartin Preschool Case.  Those on the side of man-made-global warming have said that the science is settled and won’t discuss raw climate numbers, the way the numbers are analyzed,  or the statistical proofs necessary to temporarily settle anything.

Those who believe in man-made global climate change, make their claims based on models.  If you know anything about models, you would know that when a model is wrong, you change it. Heck, I could create a model that says Emily Blunt and Scarlet Johansen should ask me out because I am so cool.  I am cool, in a nerdy way, but the probability of the predicted outcome-Emily and Scarlet asking me out-approaches zero.  Do I change my model based on a lack of predicted outcome?  No, because I  hope, despite the lack of evidence to support the outcome predicted in this model, that my dreams would one day come true.

The model would be wrong, but I could sure create this model.   Despite none of their predictions coming true, the man-made climate change believers aren’t adapting their models to observed data, they just wish harder and yell louder.

Let’s look at other parallels between climate change and the McMartin case.  A bunch of unscrupulous, or at best, incompetent, scientists have looked at data and created models that predict horrible outcomes.  The fact that none, I repeat none, of these outcomes has come to pass, doesn’t alter the mountains of regulations and hundreds of billions, now probably trillions of dollars, spent in pursuit of  ‘clean’ energy.  These ‘scientists’ have used hysteria and fear to influence a public that is as illiterate about science as preschoolers were about satanic rituals.  They have convinced this easily led public that the end is near if we don’t ‘do something!’

That ‘do something’ is soon going to result in the death of the coal industry in the US.  Part of the ‘do something’ is creating thousands of huge windmills.  These windmills kill millions of birds each year, including tens of thousands of raptors, all over our beautiful planet.  There are nearly 49,000 utility sized windmills in the US alone.  That’s a lot of dead birds.  That ‘do something’ is distorting the economies of industrialized countries and killing millions of jobs created by market forces.

The ‘do something’ results in hybrid cars such as the Prius being subsidized through tax incentives.  The Prius is subsidized despite the fact that the Prius, because of battery manufacturing, shipping of parts and finished cars, and disposal of batteries in the future, has a bigger ‘carbon footprint’ than a much cheaper diesel car that gets better mileage.

People on the side of global warming talk about how many jobs are being created in ‘clean energy.’  They forget to tell you that many of these jobs are in overseas manufacturing.  They forget to tell you that those jobs are being paid for with tax dollars.  A tax dollar used to create a job either has to be taken from someone who would spend or invest or the dollar has to be printed.  Either one of these things is very bad.

A similar case could be made that the McMartin Preschool case was good for the economy because that $15 million cost produced a lot of revenue for the courts and lawyers. This doesn’t count the advertising revenue in newspapers and on television that accompanied the sensationalizing of the trial.  (pre-internet)

So, five, ten, or twenty years from now when the hysteria has died down, we will look back with chagrin and ask ourselves how we could have been caught up in climate change hysteria.  This is exactly like what happened with the McMartin preschool hysteria. Only in the McMartin Preschool case it was only fifteen million dollars and a few lives destroyed. With the man-made climate change hysteria it is trillions of dollars and millions of lives.

Let’s stop climate change hysteria-now.  If governments and those who benefit from government spending want to create dread in and take rights away from a naive population, the threat of aliens from outer space works much better.  With an estimate of from ten billion to 100 billion planetary systems in our galaxy, it is very easy to create a model that shows an alien race will invade very soon.

Let’s say we use a conservative estimate of ten billion planetary systems in our galaxy.  Use an even more conservative estimate that the number of earth like planets in our galaxy would be one in ten thousand planets.  This means a million Earths. If life formed in only one out of a hundred of those it would be conservative to say there are ten thousand Earth like planets where life evolved.  If one out of a hundred produced an intelligent race, that means there are one hundred civilizations out there.

Certainly half, especially those nearer the older, middle part of our galaxy, would be more advanced than our civilization.  The math would lead us to 50 civilizations much older than our own. And, anybody who watched TV, a feature film, or or read a book would know with certainty  that some of these civilizations crave the other white meat-human flesh.

So, politicians, instead of using ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’ or ‘coming ice age’,  or ‘Jewish Moneylenders’ or  ‘the one percent,’ use an unprovable  fear you can milk for centuries to come to increase your power and control.  Look for the following headline soon:

Models show aliens are coming.  Don’t worry,  the government is going to protect you. 

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One Response to Climate Change: The McMartin Preschool Case of Science

  1. Richard Fields says:

    Don’t give em ideas, Jack


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