I took the picture below while on a run by the American River in Sacramento right before sunrise on August 18, 2012-I think. I am certain about the location and the time, but not the date. The time is what I want to talk about. The picture shows a comfortable world. Looking it it, you would think it was cool, maybe even cold. And, if I were to have taken the picture at about two in the afternoon, it would have been of a different world.

A picture of American River in Sacramento taken during civil twilight, just before dawn showing light clouds reflecting on the river.
I love running before sunrise along my river. Yes, I consider it my river. At that time of day it almost is-my river. I love mornings because they are like a present with the wrapping still on. Mornings are full of promise and hope and the day stretches out in front of you with so many possibilities. Mornings are quiet, and I like quiet.
When I took the picture before sunrise, it was barely warm enough to run without a shirt on. The UV reading was zero. On my run that morning I think I saw one other person. The temperature was in the high fifties. At two in the afternoon the temperature would have been in the mid-nineties and the UV reading would have been around 9. At a UV reading of 9 any sane human would be wearing sunscreen and a hat. If I were to have run at that time, it would have been a much harder run, probably more of a torture chamber than the cool blessing of the run I started a little before six.
The point is that life is like that. Timing plays a huge part in our lives. Complete your taxes by August 15th and you don’t face a penalty. Get to the grocery store before the early evening rush and you breeze through the line. Be the first person to the market with a new idea and you can make a fortune.
Time works the other way as well. You can be first to adopt new technology and be on the bleeding edge, not the cutting edge. You can insist on watching that new movie on opening day and face crowds you wouldn’t face even a week later.
Here is my question. Is there something in your life that’s a struggle based on your timing that would be easier, more efficient, at another time? Is there something you are trying to accomplish in your life that is impossible now, but might be possible at another time? Is there a deadline you could hit by simply rearranging some things that would make your life better?
Sometimes a big problem turns into a little problem when you sneak up on it before it is awake. And, sometimes, a big problem can be solved by approaching it after it has fallen asleep.