look a little more closely

There are two quotes I’d like to share with you today.  And, one picture.

The first quote is by a man called M. Scott Peck. He was an American Psychiatrist best know for a wonderful book called, A Road Less Travelled.  I have not actually read the book.  I got to Dr. Peck by listening to him on a cassette tape.  Yes, that was a while ago.

He said that …life is a struggle.  Once you realize that it is a struggle, it ceases to be one.

The other man I’d like to quote is Peter McWilliams.  He was an American writer an civil libertarian.   He said,  Life is not a struggle.  It’s a wiggle.

There are some things you can do if you’d like your life to be more of a wiggle and less of a struggle.  One of the easiest things to do is to find some time in nature on a walk or a run. Simply be observant.  The below picture was taken at about 5:45 in the morning near the American River in the middle of Sacramento.  The Sacramento Metro Area has nearly 2.5 million people in it.

Mr. Coyote hunting for a snack


The picture above was taken less than a quarter of a mile from a nice suburban area.  See if you can find Mr. Coyote hunting for mice.  Even if you can’t spot him, you will slow down and use your senses for a while.  This is a wonderful thing.

Most of us are so busy running from problem to problem or running toward an opportunity that we miss some wonderful things right under our noses.  Or right in front of our eyes.

Maybe, instead of worrying and rushing, you could find a way to set your alarm a little earlier tomorrow.  Turn off the computer or the TV or the argument or the worry a little earlier the night before.  Then get up when the day is young.  Get up when the day is still a beautiful present with the wrapping still on.  Take a walk in a wild, quiet place.  Stroll and listen.  Or stroll and look.  Even better stroll and listen and look.

Who knows what you might find?  You might not see Mr. (or Mrs.  because I didn’t get close enough to tell) hunting for a snack.  You might not hear a mocking bird paying tribute to 96 other birds.  You might not smell the dew rising from the ground carrying the smells of earth and life and change.

You might just find a little peace.







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A Slightly Different Perspective

Sometimes we get so stuck in where and when we are that we don’t realize a completely different world is a few feet, or minutes away.  This completely different world could be as close as simply thinking a little differently about our world.  Perhaps this world is as close as a conversation with a supportive friend or a good night’s sleep.  This new world might be as close as a course to increase your knowledge or a book that you haven’t read.

This new world might be as close as a long walk to clear your head.  This new world might just be a few feet away-literaly.

In these days of headlines filled with unemployment and war and scarcity mentality it is easy to forget that happiness, fulfillment and opportunity do exist.  It is easy to forget that sometimes we are so close that we don’t even know it.  Some people are doing quite well. Some people are doing extraordinarily well.  And most of these people share one thing in common-the ability to move that magical few feet, few seconds or few thoughts away from where they are stuck.

We don’t know it because we believe the negatives or don’t look or listen.  Example:  The pictures below.


A Picture Taken Along the American River


Now below you will see another picture taken from about 10 feet away at exactly the same time.

One picture shows a world blocked by a fence topped with barbed wire.  The other shows an open vista and gives a feeling, at least to me, of endless possibilities.  What lays beyond the fog?  How high are we?  What will I see when the fog lifts?  What would it look like if I walked to the edge of the bluff and looked down?

Creativity is a different perspective on the knowledge we already have. Create a different world for yourself by moving that few feet, or few minutes or few thoughts away.


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Take a walk by the river

Hello Everybody, and welcome to my blog.  First thing, since it’s so hot outside here in Sacramento, California today I wanted to share a  picture.  This picture was taken in winter a few years ago along the American River near my home.

The American River when it was a little cooler out

Because it is so hot out now I thought I would give you a nice way to know that the heat doesn’t last forever.    Pretty soon, in a few months, we will have rain.  And some of us will complain about it, just like some of use are complaining about the heat.

Here’s what I would like you to do.  Remember that nothing lasts forever.  There is an awful lot of woeful news out there- war, revolution, terrible economic predictions.  How many of us remember 2007? When everyone was working and housing prices were going up and the stock market was going up.  Many folks thought that the trend was going to last forever.

The good news and bad news is that nothing lasts forever.  If you are feeling a little down in the dumps, as I was today before I took the dogs for a walk along the American River early in the morning, simply know that nothing is forever.  And one of the greatest ways to get a different perspective is to do a little geographic change.  If you are lucky enough to live in Sacramento you can get to the river from almost anywhere in a few minutes and take a walk.

The moving water, geese, the occasional otter, and, if you are out early and quiet enough, deer or coyote, will help change your perspective.   And walking is one of the greatest things you can do for your physical and mental health.  Walking has much of the aerobic benefit that running does, and without the dangers inherent in running.

So if you are a little blue, put on your walking shoes and get down to the river or some other place that’s a big change from your grind.  Then walk and breath and remember that whatever your struggles, nothing lasts forever.  The way you get through anything is the way you take a walk.  Just put one foot in front of the other and take that next step.  And, you know what?  You’ll be amazed at the ground you can cover, if you take that first step and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Feel free to copy this picture for your own personal use.  It puts a smile on my face every time I look at it and I would like to think that I can help put a smile on your face as well.

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